Monday, April 23, 2018

Section: 38
Hours: 6

I spent a lot of time fitting the canopy where it meets the forward deck of the fuselage. I use a single edged razor blade to scrape away the plexiglass which leaves a nice smooth surface and I don't have to worry about removing too much material all at once. I probably went through 8 or 9 fitting tries before I got it to where I thought it was good enough.
When the fit was good, I taped weights on the front of the canopy to hold it flush down on the frame and then match drilled holes. I got Deb to hold a wood block on the inside when I was drilling the holes in the side rails.
It is problematic aligning the drill bit to the holes along the back of the canopy due to parallax of looking through the plexiglass. I made a hole finder tool by drilling a #40 hole in a scrap piece of aluminum. I hold it against the plexiglass and align it with the hole. Then I insert the drill into the hole in the aluminum and drill. Worked every time!

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